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We are closed on Wednesdays during the school summer holidays

Jiu-Jitsu is a form of martial arts commonly used in close combat. The focus is to defeat an armed or unarmed opponent or attacker using no weapons or short weapons.

In Jiu-Jitsu throwing, immobilizing and pinning, joint-locking, choking, and strangling techniques are very significant and make up a large part of the discipline. Much more than in other martial arts such as Karate.

Jiu-Jitsu is commonly used and taught in the modern world as a form of self-defence. Even modern police and armed forces are often trained in aspects of Jiu-Jitsu the world over.

Jiu-Jitsu has many spellings the world over Jujutsuju-jitsuju-jutsu.

History of Jiu-Jitsu

Jiu-Jitsu was reported to have originated on the battlefields of ancient Japan, and it is from this that the present day martial arts such as Judo, Karate and Aikido have developed. Because of these arts, Jiu-Jitsu was overlooked.  However, it has now become a highly popular discipline with its combination of self-defence skills and fitness training.

The name Jiu-Jitsu is said to be split into two characters.  “Jiu” is normally defined as gentleness and “Jitsu” meaning method of art, thus Jiu-Jitsu is generally described as the gentle art.

These Jiu-Jitsu techniques were based on abstract Taoist philosophical concepts which, had in fact originated, in China. The basic principle underlying all Jiu-Jitsu techniques is that force should not be directly opposed, but given way to and re-directed.

Modern day Jiu-Jitsu is a combination of martial art and self-defence. The nature of Jiu-Jitsu techniques and training as well as its different orientation (towards self-defence, rather than sport) makes physical power a less crucial factor than in other martial arts making it more accessible to almost everyone.

More recently Jiu-Jitsu has enjoyed a considerable revival of crucial interest.  This would seem to be due to a number of factors including the following: the apparent rise in the incidence of threats of, or actual physical violence against the person in recent years and the perceived increased need to be able to defend oneself. The obvious effectiveness of Jiu-Jitsu as an effective self-defence system is suitable for virtually all ages and physical ability.

What is the difference between Traditional Jiu-Jitsu and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

Japanese Jiu-Jitsu, an ancient martial art with roots in the samurai era, emphasizes joint locks, throws, and strikes while promoting harmony, balance, and humility. This traditional form of Jiu-Jitsu offers a comprehensive and versatile self-defence system that encompasses a wide range of techniques, allowing practitioners to defend themselves effectively in various situations.

On the other hand, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, developed in Brazil, primarily focuses on ground fighting and submission holds. While BJJ is an effective martial art in its own right, it may not offer the same level of diversity and adaptability found in Traditional Japanese Jiu-Jitsu.

By choosing to practice Japanese Jiu-Jitsu, you'll gain access to a well-rounded martial art that combines striking, grappling, and throwing techniques, making it a more preferable choice for those seeking a comprehensive self-defence system. Additionally, the core values and principles of Japanese Jiu-Jitsu, such as respect and humility, foster personal growth and character development beyond the dojo.

Jiu-Jitsu Grades

Kyū Grades

Red Belt

Red Belt / Mukyū

This is your introductory grade, from here you will train towards your white belt.

White Belt

White Belt / Kyūkyū / 9th Kyū

To achieve this grade you will learn the etiquette of the Dojo, breakfalls, kicks, your first kata, and some basic defensive techniques.

Yellow Belt / Hachikyū / 8th Kyū

Whilst training for your yellow belt there is a strong focus on locks and holds, you will also be introduced to defending against two attackers. Throws are also covered in this grade for the first time!

Orange Belt

Orange Belt / Nanakyū / 7th Kyū

Two new Kata are taught at this level. Along with several fundamental throws. Along with your throws, you will learn some new kicks and more training will be given on defence against multiple attackers.

Green Belt / Rokukyū / 6th Kyū

Whilst training for your Green Belt Grade you will begin to cover some more advanced defence techniques and more complex throws. You will also have to demonstrate a combination of methods without direction from the sensei.

Blue Belt / Yonkyū / 4th Kyū

To achieve your Blue Belt, you will be able to demonstrate advanced variations of the fundamental throws you learned in earlier grades, and you will also be introduced to defending attackers with weapons.

Blue & White Belt / Gokyū / 5th Kyū

For Juniors, this grade is split into two grades Blue & White and Blue.

Purple Belt / Sankyū / 3rd Kyū

This is the first time you will be introduced to countering, in addition to defending against weapon attacks, advanced throws and katas.

Brown Belt / Ikkyū / 1st Kyū

To achieve your Brown Belt, you will be able to defend against four attackers, without direction from the sensei, using all the techniques you have learnt in your previous grades. You will also cover the most advanced throws and advanced variations of the throws you have learnt in previous grades.

Brown & White Belt / Nikyū / 2nd Kyū

For Juniors, this grade is split into two grades Brown & White and Brown.

Dan Grades

Junior Black Belt

Our Juniors will gain their Junior Black Belt and move onto the 10 Kobudo Grades where they focus mainly on weapons, and revision of previous grades. This generally takes them to the point that they are old enough to join the senior classes.

Shodan / 1st Dan

Nidan / 2nd Dan

Sandan / 3rd Dan

Yondan / 4th Dan

Godan / 5th Dan

Rokudan / 6th Dan

Sichidan / 7th Dan

Hachidan / 8th Dan

Red Belt

Kudan / 9th Dan

Red Belt

Jūdan / 10th Dan



A room or hall where Jiu-Jitsu or other martial arts are practised.


The training uniform that is worn for Jiu-Jitsu training and gradings.


The belt that is worn in with the Gi, the colour of the Obi indicates the grade.


Your training partner, including for gradings.


An exercise consisting of several specific movements, focusing on defending.


An exercise consisting of several throws, locks, and counters.

Bo staff

The bo is a wooden staff approximately 6ft in length. The basic concept behind the bo is increasing the force delivered in a strike, this is achieved through leverage and extra length.


Katana is Japanese for sword, it is mainly used for cutting, and is intended for use with a two-handed grip. It is traditionally worn edge up.


A Bokken is a wooden training sword typically used in most martial arts. It is usually a replica of a Katana.


The Tonfa is a wooden stick approximately 18″ long with a side handle approximately 5″ long traditionally made of hardwood. It originates from Okinawa and is now used by police forces worldwide.


Nunchaku are two sticks approximately 12″ long attached by a piece of chain or rope.


Sai are a pair of unsharpened daggers, with two long, unsharpened projections. Traditionally they were carried as a trio, rather than a pair.


The art of tying an opponent up with a rope or other similar material.