Karen Taylor

Karen Taylor

Sichidan (7th Dan)

Karen had the pleasure of meeting Sensei Neville and his team while participating in gradings with the World Ju-Jitsu Federation (WJJF). Practising Jiu-Jitsu has had a profound impact on Karen's life, providing her with a significant boost in confidence. The sport has not only improved her abilities in the dojo but has also positively impacted other areas of her life, helping her maintain her fitness over the years.

Despite the numerous benefits, Karen acknowledges that there are still some challenges she faces while practising Jiu-Jitsu. The prospect of stepping onto the mat for the first time can be daunting, and even to this day, she still gets nervous on grading day. Nevertheless, Karen is determined to push past these obstacles and continue to improve her skills.

In addition to Jiu-Jitsu, Karen runs a boarding kennel with her partner and youngest son. They share their home with two cats, Gavin and Stacey, and three dogs. Karen also enjoys participating in obedience work with their beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Izzy, and their handsome Red & White Irish Setter, Nucky. As a hobby, she showcases her lovely Great Dane, Reuben, at dog shows.

Sports Leader Level 1