Andy Blyth

Sandan (3rd Dan)

Andy is a determined and hardworking individual who has recently returned to the world of Jiu-Jitsu after taking an extended break. After putting in the time and effort he completed his Black Belt grading in 2015. His passion and dedication towards martial arts are evident in the way he conducts himself both on and off the mat.

Aside from his martial arts pursuits, Andy leads a fulfilling personal and professional life. He is a loving father of two, who enjoys spending time with his family whenever he gets the chance. In addition, he holds the position of Head of Development at an international digital agency located in the heart of Manchester, where he plays a crucial role in driving the company's growth and success.

Despite his busy schedule, Andy always finds time to engage in his hobbies and interests. He is an avid cyclist and swimmer, often taking advantage of the beautiful surroundings of Manchester to enjoy his outdoor pursuits. Additionally, he is a keen camper, and whenever possible, he loves to pack up his gear and explore the great outdoors.

One unique aspect of Andy's life is his love for exotic pets. He shares his home with a Boa Constrictor and a tarantula, which he affectionately cares for. However, Sensei Blyth has assured the other members that these pets will not be accompanying Andy to the Dojo anytime soon.

Notably, Andy is not the only member of his family with a passion for Jiu-Jitsu. His two boys also train with the Rushcroft Jiu-Jitsu Club, and it is heartening to see the family's commitment to this martial art.